
17 Christmas Pinecone Crafts and Ornaments

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No time of year makes me feel as crafty as the Christmas season does. Once November and December roll around I start to think that I’m Martha Stewart and can create all the things, like these pinecone crafts.

For more fun and creative holiday ideas, try making this adorable elf bookmark, a Christmas tree luminary, or decorative Christmas balls.

Pinecone Crafts

Pinecones are one of those things that lend themselves to a wide variety of crafting ideas. You can use them to make animals, wreaths, ornaments, centerpieces, even bird feeders. So not only are they versatile to work with, they are festive on their own for decorating.

If the holiday crafting bug has started to hit you, check out all of the cool things you can create with pinecones.

Christmas Pinecone Crafts

Gather up the kids or make these pinecone crafts by yourself. Festively decorate your home, porch, or table with one or more of these beautiful and creative ideas.

Pinecone ornaments

Pinecones are the perfect thing to decorate your tree with. You can get as fancy or as simple as you want and still have something beautiful to put on the tree this year.

Pinecone Christmas Ornaments

Pinecones are the perfect thing to decorate your tree with. You can get as fancy or as simple as you want and still have something beautiful to put on the tree this year.

Even if you don’t want to be fancy, plain pinecones always add a nice touch to any centerpiece or decoration. One of my favorite holiday decorations is simple cinnamon pinecones. They’re both pretty and smell great!

If you liked this, try these Christmas crafts:

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  1. Thank you for including my Pine Cone Santa Wreath with all of these other wonderful pine cone projects. 🙂

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