13 DIY Homemade Christmas Ornaments to Make with Kids
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I’m the first to admit that when it comes to crafts, I’m not the craftiest. But I’m getting better! I love to get my hands dirty with my kids and create fun things even if they don’t come out like the ones on Pinterest. That’s okay, as long as you’re having fun.
The other day I shared some cute Winter crafts that you can do with your kids and now today I am sharing some DIY homemade Christmas ornaments that you can make with the kids. Some of my ornaments are the ones that Red made for me when he was little. They may not be the prettiest ones on the tree, but they sure are the ones I love the most and I can’t wait until K-Dub starts making ornaments for me. Now, thanks to Pinterest, I don’t have to wait until he starts preschool. We can make them at home instead and so can you!
Check out these cute, easy to make ornaments that will look gorgeous on your tree.
Handprint Santa Ornament | The Karpiuks
Button Ornaments | Speech Room Style
Popsicle Stick Christmas Trees | One Little Project at a Time
Salt Dough Handprint Ornament | By Stephanie Lynn
Bead Star Ornament | Alpha Mom
Peanut Snowmen | Stunning Collection
Popsicle Stick Sled | Clean and Scentsible
Pom Pom Ornament | Frugal Fun for Boys
Plastic Cup Diorama | Disney Family
Melted Snowman Globe | Occasionally Crafty
Dangling Snowman | Disney Family
Glitter Pine Cone | Mom Spotted
Snow Filled Glass Ball | According to Kelly
Now is the perfect time to get your craft things together and gather kids for some holiday fun. Remember, making crafts with the kids is FUN art, not fine art. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas.
I am planning on making some ornaments with my kids this year, I like the Popsicle stick tree, cute.