More Gift Ideas for Teenage Boys

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Last year I wrote up a list of gift ideas for pre-teen and teenage boys. That post has always gotten a good amount of traffic throughout the year but especially as the holidays approach. Apparently I’m not the only one who has difficulty buying for a teenager.

Gifts for teens: more ideas for teenage boys

This year is proving to be even more difficult now that my son will be fourteen (!!) a few weeks before Christmas. With Red’s birthday also being in December, we need to come up with double the gift ideas in a short amount of time. I really should start celebrating his half birthday instead so we can get a bit of a brain break. I kid, I kid.

Some of the ideas from last year’s list still stand but I have found some new items to add for a slightly older teen. Turning thirteen and turning fourteen has been a pretty big difference. 

Check out Even More Gift Ideas for Teenage Boys for my ideas for 2014 and my Gifts for Teenage Boys Pinterest board for an ongoing list.


Clocky the runaway alarm clock - $39.95 greatgiftsformen.comClocky the runaway alarm clock

Does your teenager have a hard time getting up for school in the morning? Try Clocky the runaway alarm clock. When the alarm goes off he jumps off your nightstand and rolls away, forcing you to get out of bed to chase him!  $39.95



Lego Darth Vader Alarm Clock

Lego Darth Vader alarm clock

What boy doesn’t like Star Wars? Get this decorative clock for $29.99





iLuv MobiTour Wireless Bluetooth Speaker for Kindle, Tablet or Smartphone $29.95


iLuv Wireless Bluetooth speaker

Wireless Bluetooth Speaker for Kindle, Tablet or Smartphone $29.95 




OnHand 8GB USB Flashdrive Wristband

 OnHand 8GB USB Flashdrive Wristband

Does the teen in your life lose things like mine does? Now in the age of homework being transferred from home to school via flash drive, they’ll never lose their homework again with this cool flash drive that they can wear on their wrist. $19.95 



iWatchz Wrist Strap for iPod Nano 6G


iWatch wrist strap for iPod Nano 6G

You can attach an iPod Nano 6G to this wrist band and they will have it with them everywhere they go. It will look stylish and it won’t get lost. 





Laptop decal

Laptop decals

Add some style with these laptop decals for just $9.99




The Butt Station Assistant desktop organizer

Butt station assistant

What boy doesn’t giggle at toilet humor? Help them organize their desk with this funny organizer for about $12.




Sports Wall Organization - Basketball Hoop

 Sports Storage Basketball Hoop

Organize balls or even use this as a cool laundry basket. $129.00 from Pottery Barn Teen




Darth Vader Stress Toy

Darth Vader stress toy 

My son has ADHD and having something to do with his hands helps keep him from fidgeting. He uses stress balls in school as a concentration tool. Even if the teen in your life doesn’t have ADHD it’s still a cool stocking stuffer. $12.99




Buckle Up Wall Mounted Key Holder

Wall mounted key holder

Whether you have a teen driver or your younger teen needs a place for his house keys, this is a great little gadget. $25.55 





Dragon keychain

 Dragon keychain

Really cool keychain for car and/or house keys. $35





Follow Regan’s board Books for Teens & Young Adults on Pinterest.
Surviving the Zombie Outbreak: The Official Zombie Survival Field Manual


Surviving the Zombie Outbreak: The Official Zombie Survival Field Manual

Is your teen as obsessed with zombies as mine is? I don’t pretend to get the zombie thing but it seems to be popular with almost everyone these days. $12.71




How to Speak Klingon


How to Speak Klingon

Is the teenager in your life a little on the nerdy side like mine? Maybe he would enjoy the ultimate in geekdom, to learn how to speak Klingon. $12.56




Clothing & Accessories

Minecraft Creeper Shirt


Minecraft creeper shirt 

Minecraft is really hot right now. I know that my son and his friends are Minecraft freaks. $19.99




Canvas Duffle Backpack


Canvas duffle backpack

I want this for myself. It’s got that military look but with the functionality of a backpack. $49



 Great sites to check out for cool gift ideas

Think Geek

Perpetual Kid

Great Gifts for Men

The Grommet

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  1. These are too cool! Especially the “Runaway Alarm Clock”! THAT will get them out of the bed! I wish I had this when my daughter was in HS, it was a major chore waking her up! But I know this would have done the trick!

  2. My son has some of these already and loves them. I hadn’t seen the Darth stress ball, but I’m adding it to our list. Thanks

    Not for everyone, but my son really likes getting stock. (Not the oneshare decorative type) He likes VERY slowly building up a portfolio, and the risk is less than the toy that will be thrown away or clothes that are outgrown.

    We absolutely love Think Geek. For quirky shirts I’ve been getting many from They often have deals on LivingSocial or check out their daily deals.

    1. Stock is a good idea. My son is good about putting birthday and Christmas money in his savings account but this is something worth exploring.

  3. With our recently turned 16-year-old, we’ve been looking at a really nice wallet to store all of his recently acquired “cards”; drivers license, student ID, bus card, first bank card,etc.

    But I love the alarm clock that runs away. I don’t know how many times I’ve stood at the door of his room tossing things at him to try to get him to roll out of bed!

    1. A wallet is a great idea. My son has one and likes having it even if at only 13 he just uses it for lunch money and his library card.

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