Lunette Menstrual Cup Review
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The Lunette menstrual cup is a reusable silicone menstrual cup made in Finland. A menstrual cup is a healthier, environmentally responsible alternative to tampons and disposable pads. Not only will you help keep more trash out of landfills but you can also stop literally flushing your money down the toilet every month. A reusable silicone menstrual cup like Lunette can be used for years before needing to be replaced.
Are you tired of throwing your money away? Are you worried about the health risks related to Toxic Shock? Or even more shocking, are you worried about finding a moldy tampon? (Yes, that really did happen). If you answered yes to any of these then why not give a menstrual cup a try? You may have the same reaction as I did at first. “Eew. Gross”. But really, is anything about that time of the month especially pleasant? I am encouraging you to try it before you knock it.
I have been a menstrual cup user for about four years now and I will never go back to tampons again. I actually find a cup easier to use than tampons and here’s why:
- You don’t have to change it as often
- They don’t suddenly leak like tampons
- No worrying about whether you have enough in your purse for an outing
- No worrying about pulling a tampon out of your purse along with your wallet or sunglasses
- No more needing to run to the store if good ol’ Aunt Flo shows up unannounced
- You don’t have to bring your purse to the bathroom with you. You may as well wear a sign
While I have been a loyal menstrual cup user for several years now, I had been using the same brand for all that time and I decided that I would like to give another brand a try. I contacted Lunette to see if they would be interested in a blog review and giveaway and I was thrilled when they agreed! Since I was unsure about what size I would need since I really could use either one based on their detailed sizing information, they were wonderful enough to send me both sizes to try to see which one worked out best for me.

- Size 1 (on the left) is typically recommended for women with a light to moderate flow, younger women, women who have never had intercourse, if you have not been pregnant, if you have a sensitive bladder, or if you have a low cervix.
- Size 2 (on the right) is recommended for women with a heavier flow, who have been pregnant, and for adult women.
I’m in my 30’s, have had two children, and I normally have a heavier flow. BUT I also have a low cervix and a lighter flow due to birth control. If I had to choose just one, the Size 2 would cover all of the bases for me though I am glad that I have both because I like the Size 1 for the lighter days.
I did have to cut them stem (on both sizes) but after that, it was a perfect fit and I didn’t even know it was there. My other cup would sit very low and there wasn’t enough of a stem for me to trim so every once in a while I was aware of its existence. The Lunette is a bit shorter but slightly wider and this small change in shape made a big difference for me.
Aside from the slight shape difference that works better for me, I like that they come in colors to diminish any discoloration (which is why I was in the market for a new cup as a menstrual cup can last for many years). I also really appreciate fact that the stem is flat. Aside from being unsightly from discoloration, I had to wonder if germs were being held in the opening of the stem of my other cup. With the Lunette, this isn’t a possibility. There isn’t anything for bacteria to get stuck in.
I found that I got a much easier seal with the Lunette as well. My other cup would sometimes stay caved in a little. I feel more confident knowing that the Lunette is open all the way to avoid any possible performance issues.
I love my Lunette Cup and I think that you will, too! Give it a try!
Buy It
You can buy your own Lunette Cup in a variety of great colors for $39.99
This is my first time seeing the cup. I don’t know anyone that uses one. I would be willing to try it.
I learned that this cup is better than tampons because there’s no worrying about pulling a tampon out of your purse along with your wallet or sunglasses. Thanks
I’m looking to try a cup to help with cramps and the PMS symptoms!
Would be VERY excited to win this! We’ve been cloth diapering for a while and I love reducing waste. I’m about to come off BCPs, and started investigating cups and mama cloth. Come on Rafflecopter! Pick me!!! 🙂
I’d love to win one!!
I would love to win because it is so eco friendly. I have been using instead, and while you can wash and reuse them, they aren’t as sturdy as a Lunette, and I really need to venture to purchase or win a Lunette
Id like to win because I really want to switch to all reusable products for me so I stop having to have chemicals/toxins against/in me!
Would love to try this!
Hey, thanks for the giveaway! Been wanting to compare the luna to the diva so I’m giving this a shot since these cups are not cheap! Good luck ladies!!
I didn’t know that they had different color cups.
Up until about two weeks ago, I had never heard of these cups. And I admit, I was still weary of them, but reading your review makes me want to try them. Especially since we just moved to a house wear you can’t flush tampons. Found that out after an incredibly embarrassing visit from 3 male plumbers.
Thank you!
I would love to try the Lunette Cup as I had previously tried the Femme Cup and loved it. With my first babe on the way any day now, I like the option of the sized Lunette cups.
I use a Lady Cup (that’s the brand name), but I see that the Lunette from your picks is different at the stem. it has ridges so does that make it easier to hold onto because the cup I have now sometimes slips during cleaning and reinsertion.
I would like to see how Lunette compares to the Diva Cup.
I’ve just switched to reusable pads (love them) and want to complete my contribution to the environment (in this sense) by using a diva cup! Thanks for the chance!
I’ve tried the lunette but I kinda want to collect all the colors 🙂
I like that you can trim the stem! I’ve gotten sick before from tampons and I hate using pads so this would be awesome!
thanks for the review of the lunette cup…I really like this company
I like that you described the size differences and how to choose (and that there’s a guide to help too!) Since starting cloth diapers with the babe, I’ve been interested in something non-disposable for myself. This would be great!
I’d like to win because I’ve been interested in trying this for a while
I have been wanting to try a cup for a while now but there are so many choices it’s overwhelming!
would love to save some money!
I would like to try it because it’s better for the environment!
I have a Divacup…I want to try this to see the difference.
It’s a very cost effective decision. And it seems simpler than reusable pads.
I’d like to win a Lunette cup because I’d like to compare it to the Diva cup I already use. I think that the lunette might be a bit more comfortable because of the flat stem (compared to the round one on Diva).
Oops forgot in form my pinterest profile
I like that one can trim the stem!
I would love to win as I have heard many great things about using a cup rather than pads, and with a heavy flow this might prevent some of my embarrassing moments due to leaks.
I had never heard of the menstrual cup before coming across it in a blog. I would love to try one out and see if it works for me.
I’ve been wanting to switch to something like this more and more over the last few years. Not just for me, but for financial reasons too. I’d really like to win one!
I want to win so I can save money on menstrual supplies.
That’s a really nice giveaway. I’m interested in Lunnete’s cups since I tried other brands and they leak sometimes. I guess Lunette’s will fit much better,
Hey! I really, really want to win a Lunette! I’ve never tried a cup before, but my sisters have recommended them to me. I’ve been researching for awhile now, and it looks like a Lunette might fit me best.
I would like to win because it seems like such a nicer way to manage that lovely time of the month…not to mention more sanitary. I have not been able to stand using tampons since I had children and the use of pads always makes me feel so nasty and dirty that during those 5 days or so i shower about 5 times a day! I would really love to try this product out! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like that it is FDA approved & theres no risk of toxic shock syndrome .
I would love to win because I already use mama cloth and disposable menstrual cups, I’d love to move to a reusable cup!
I had a menstural cup in the past but got rid of it because I lived in university residence, where the bathrooms are shared (too hard to change/rinse out). Now that I live on my own, I’d love to start using one again!
I would like to win so I can compare the Lunette to the Diva.
I’ve never tried a menstrual cup before, but I’d like to give it a try to cut down on tampon waste.
I feel stupid but how do I enter to win the cup?
Thank you for the review. I really want to get a cup and this post was really helpful.
I really want to start using a cup and would love to win. I think it’s a great idea to cut back on waste from tampons.
I love the colours, and that they’re FDA approved for medical use.
***Something’s wrong with the Rafflecopter widget today. When the page reloaded, it had erased all my previous entries so I had to redo the first mandatory entry to get back in (but they’re still listed in the “Who entered?” tab.
I wish I had learned about alternatives like cloth and menstrual cups years ago! What a shame the majority of american women don’t realize such things exist! I cloth diaper my son which is how I first heard of cloth pads and menstrual cups. I would love to try Lunette, after a ton of research they seem to have the smartest design. And with the colors they are actually pretty, who would ever have thought cute or pretty could describe a menstrual product?
I like that it comes in colors. =)
I’d love to try this. I’ve heard wonderful things.
I think Lunette sounds wonderful! I would like a chance to try it!
I love my Lunette! I have a small Aine (the orange/coral one in the picture), and it’s really great. I, too, “qualify” for the large size, but I got the small because I wanted a softer one. (The small is a lot squishier than the large; I knew from my previous Keeper Moon Cup that I wanted something softer.) I’d like to win another one because I want one to carry in my purse/travel bag so that I don’t have to worry about losing one.
I first found the Lunette about 4yrs ago. It was after I started my daughter on modern cloth nappies. Wow it feels so good to be so green!
I recently bought a Sz 2 and it feels a bit too big, it would be great to win a second to see if the Sz 1 is a better fit for me1
I would love to win one of these cups! i’ve been wanting to try one ever since I started researching cloth diapering for my new baby boy due in June. I’ve already ordered some “mama cloth” and a ton of cloth diapers so to win one of these would make my transformation complete!
i love that they come in colors!! i would love to rep[lace my tampons!!
Love the lunette. I have the green and the purple. Would love to have them in ALL Colors, lol
I love my Lunnette, I am only sad I didn’t buy it sooner! I barely even noticed my period this time and NO CRAMPS! I LOOOOOVE this cup!
I would like to win because I think this cup might work better for me than the last model I tried. I had success with the other one pre-pregnancy but after my son was born neither the 1 or 2 Diva model worked for me.
I would love to try the Lunette cup! I’m branching out and wanting to get rid of all my disposable feminine products
I’d love to win! I’ve been wanting to try a cup for awhile once my cycle returns (I am breastfeeding currently)
Thanks for the review. I like that it is FDA approved and that there is no risk of toxic shock sydrome
that it is fda approved and its not harmful
I like that there is no risk of toxic shock syndrome, and that it keeps chemicals out of my body, and garbage out of the landfills. I use cloth diapers to keep the chemicals away from my babies body, so why wouldn’t I do the same for myself?
I would love to try the lunette, but have already heavily invested in cloth 🙁 I found them to late LOL!
I like that the stem is flat. Seems more sanitary that way.
i’ve never tried a menstrual cup, but you make it sound so easy! thanks for the review. i needed this info.