Small Laundry Room Survival Tips

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Is your laundry room lacking in functional space? Are you suffering the small laundry room blues? Me too. 

I love our house, but not our laundry room. When we decided to buy this house I figured it was only a laundry room and not a big deal. It is off the half bath on the main level of our house so it is small and very narrow. Now I find myself longing for the day that we can blow out the back wall and make it bigger. 

Until then, I have been able to make do with this small space by getting myself organized and being smart about the space that I do have. 

Small laundry room organization

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See how small it is? It’s functional enough, but it can become cluttered quickly so I have to be mindful of space.

For air-drying delicate items I have a folding rack installed on the wall that has changed everything. I initially bought it for air drying my cloth diaper covers, but it has also been handy for air-drying delicates. If you have a small laundry room, one of these racks is a great alternative to a larger fold-out drying rack or draping laundry all over the house.

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A shelf above the washer and dryer is a must. This shelf houses detergents, lesser-used laundry products, and a space to keep the laundry basket while the laundry washes and dries.

For lint and used dryer sheets, find a small lightweight garbage can with an open handle on the back (or drill a hole) and hang it on a hook to keep it accessible but out of the way.

A decorative no-slip shelf liner not only looks nicer but is great for easy clean up of drips and keeps the items on the shelf in place. 

How to Clean Your Washing Machine Naturally + Small Laundry Room Survival Tips #TryMembersMark (ad)

We buy many things in bulk to save money, including laundry detergent. But when you have a tiny laundry room, keeping those bulk-sized containers in there can make it feel cluttered and claustrophobic. To fix that and make my laundry room look cleaner and nicer, I transfer my laundry products into baskets and labeled jars and bottles. 

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My smaller laundry products that I don’t use as often and always seem to create even more clutter go in baskets. In these baskets are my wool dryer balls, dryer sheets, dish liquid (for removing greasy stains), stain remover spray, and some other products that I use occasionally. 

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Transferring my bulk-sized laundry detergent into these cute bottles is very easy. I put a funnel in the bottle, pour in some detergent, and I keep the measuring cup from the detergent on the shelf with my other laundry supplies. This way I can store the large container of detergent on a shelf in the garage and keep the laundry room clutter to a minimum. 

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  1. Neat ideas! But I’ve been hearing that vinegar voids new washer warranties.

    1. I haven’t heard that, but ours is no longer under warranty. As with anything, it’s best to check with your manufacturer. Bleach is also an alternative, I just don’t use bleach very often in my home. Also, in most cases, you probably won’t need to sterilize the washer so the washing soda and oxy bleach should be more than enough. We sterilize once or twice a year.

  2. My washing machine needs a good clean thanks to my hubby’s work clothes!! Everything was getting stained and I couldn’t figure out why!! Ugh!! Love your laundry room!! I have stupid cabinets but I wish I just had a shelf!! I feel like nothing fits in the cabinets!!

  3. I was thinking that I need to clean my washer. I will do that tomorrow. I put 2 shelves up in my small laundry and they the greatest thing that I added to that room.

  4. Thanks for the money saving tip. I don’t have a laundry room yet but I plan on using baskets and shelves, for now they’re just in the garage.

  5. I have a very small laundry space as well and I have used some of the exact same techniques to keep it from appearing cluttered. Mine may even be smaller than yours because it is actually a laundry closet off the kitchen, but I have added shelves and painted it a bright color and added the much loved baskets. As for hanging delicates, we purchased one of those hanging clothes lines that retracts when it’s not in use. A life saver. I enjoyed your article.

    1. Seriously, I love the retractible clothes rack! I use it much more than I thought I would.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Awesome use of a super small space! I love the lint container idea. And you totally reminded me to clean my washer! Thanks!

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