A Ride to the Mountains with Kids

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Thank you to Cottonelle for sponsoring today’s discussion.

Tips for a ride to the mountains with kids #travelI have seen lots of tips on trips to the beach or an amusement park but haven’t seen any yet on trips to the mountains. Since we moved to Colorado just about two years ago we have enjoyed many trips exploring the mountains and there are some unique items that you will need to bring with you that you may not need to think about while going on other adventures. 

1. Snacks – There aren’t always places to stop for snacks when you’re deep in the mountains. When we go for a drive we always bring snacks. Granola bars, drinks, trail mix, nuts, and fruit are common choices for us. 

2. Things to do in the car – To avoid complaining and boredom it’s important to have things for the kids to do. We bring books and quiet toys. If you don’t mind kids’ music then don’t forget to bring it along for the ride. We don’t do this one though because, sanity. 

Tips for a ride to the mountains with kids #travel

3. An extra layer of clothing  Depending on how far into the mountains you go the temperature can differ from as much as 20 degrees or more. We bring either sweatshirts or a jacket just in case and hats on the fall and winter months. 

4. A baby carrier – If you are a babywearing family then you want to be sure to remember your carrier. You never know when you will want to stop and take a little walk. The mountains are full of gorgeous places to explore. 

5. Comfortable shoes – If you decide to get out and walk you don’t want to be stuck wearing a pair of wedge sandals or cheap flip-flops. Wear shoes that can take on rocks, sticks, and unpredictable terrain. 

Tips for a ride to the mountains with kids #travel

6. Toilet paper & cleansing cloths – This is something that took us a few trips to remember. Now we have a roll of Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper and flushable cleansing wipes in the car at all times. The deeper you get into the mountains the slimmer your chances of finding a bathroom are when nature inevitably calls. 

Tips for a ride to the mountains with kids #travel

7. Hand sanitizer – For both bathroom breaks and sightseeing opportunities. You never know what the kids will get into or pick up on a little walk in the mountains. 

8. Sunscreen & sunglasses – The sun beats down on you in the mountains so you will need sunscreen even in the car. It is also bright and you want to be sure that you can see on those windy mountain roads. 

Tips for a ride to the mountains with kids #travel

9. Fishing poles – If you’re a fishing family you never know when you might come across a nice place to settle down and throw a line in. The mountains are full of beautiful little lakes and streams. 

10. Camera – Whatever you do, don’t forget your camera. I recommend a nice camera to truly capture the beauty but a decent smartphone camera will work in a pinch, too.

Have you ever considered bringing Flushable cleansing cloths in the car with you? If not, will you now?

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  1. These are such great tips. As a mom to a 4yr old I find myself keeping most of these in my purse normally, except for the fishing pole lol. I’d have to be Mary Poppins to pull that off.

  2. Stunning photos! I live in Florida and grew up in Vermont so I miss them. Your travel kit is useful for adults as well as children 🙂

    1. I lived in Vermont for 4 years when I was little and loved it. The Green Mountains and Rocky Mountains are very different but both beautiful. Even though I grew up in shoreline Connecticut I think I’ve always been a bit of a mountain girl at heart.

    1. Haha! Neither can I. Thankfully they’re more entertained this way and which is why we bring so much stuff and make so many sightseeing stops when we have the kids 🙂

  3. WOW! What a wonderful and fun post! I love all your pics! Such a great idea for a family outing! I always carry “wipes” when I go for long walks with my dogs. Not because I “go” in the woods! LOL! It’s refreshing on hot summer days! 🙂

    1. Thank you. The Rockies are very easy to photograph. They’re breathtaking 🙂

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