Cloth Diaper Stores that Offer FREE Products with a Minimum Purchase
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Who doesn’t love a freebie? A lot of us use cloth diapers to save money and there is no better savings than free. Like so many of you, when I was still shopping for cloth diapers I was always looking for the best deal. Whether it was free shipping, a sale, or a free product with a minimum purchase, I wanted to find it.
The following stores often offer cloth diaper freebies with a minimum purchase, usually in the form of a coupon code. The number of freebies and amount that you will need to spend to receive it varies. The value of the freebie also varies. They can be as small as a free water test strip or as large as a free diaper or wet bag.
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If you know of another store that offers freebie with a minimum purchase, please comment below and I will add them to the list.