My Toddler’s 7 Favorite Books Right Now

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I feel fortunate that both of my children love to read. I have done my best to foster their love of reading and so far it has been working. Because of this we are often running out of books. We make frequent trips to the library or thrift store for more books, but sometimes I’m not sure what I’m looking for. We’ve ended up with some duds so I love to know what books that other people’s children love.

While my toddler rotates through his books pretty well, these six are pulled out far more often than the others.

My toddler's 7 favorite books

My toddler's 7 favorite books


  1. The Foot Book
  2. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
  3. Chicka Chicka 123
  4. Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
  5. Doctor Maisy
  6. It’s Too Noisy
  7. In the Night Kitchen


What are your child’s favorite books? 

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  1. we loved the pete the cat book. or at least I did. I’ll have to find others! I wish there were some comprehensive book lists in places that I could print out and take with me (or pull up on my phone)…

  2. If you haven’t already, check out the other Pete Books; there are several! We love four groovy buttons.

    Jake books by Michael Wright are also big hits in my house! Jake Stays Awake, Jake starts school and Jake Goes Peanuts are all fantastic!

    1. Thank you for the suggestions, we’ll have to check them out on our next trip to the library. We’ve read Rockin in my School Shoes and my son loved that one as well. More Pete the Cat books are definitely on our list

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