Simple Cloth Wipes Solution – Method 2

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Simple cloth wipes solution - method 2 #clothdiapers

There are so many recipes for homemade cloth wipes solution out there that include several different ingredients. Considering that in reality you can use just water of you choose, I didn’t feel the need for a bunch of different ingredients in my cloth wipes solution. I also didn’t like the idea that many recipes for baby oil. While it’s probably fine, I don’t want to run the risk of my diapers repelling and use plain old Castile soap water.

I used liquid castile soap in my previous wipes solution but last week I didn’t want to go across town to the natural grocery store for the liquid soap so I bought a bar of it at my regular grocery store and decided to give it a try. It worked really great and while there is one more step than using the liquid soap, it still only takes a couple of minutes to make. 

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DIY cloth wipes solution

You will need a bar of castile soap, a 32 oz bottle (recipe can be scaled down if you have a smaller bottle), about 30 oz of water, a microwave safe bowl, and a cheese grater. 

Simple cloth wipes solution - method 2 #clothdiapers

Grate one to two tablespoons of the castile soap. I used closer to two tablespoons in mine, but if you prefer a thinner, more watery solution then I would start out with a tablespoon or so of soap instead and add more if you’d like.

Simple cloth wipes solution - method 2 #clothdiapers

Put the bowl of water in the microwave for about 3 minutes or until your water is hot. Once the water is hot add the grated castile soap and stir it until it melts. If the soap isn’t melting then you can put it in the microwave for another minute or so even if you’ve already added the soap. 

Simple cloth wipes solution - method 2 #clothdiapers

Once your soap is dissolved in the water allow it to cool before adding it to your bottle.

If the solution is still a bit warm when you add it to the bottle do not put the top on. The heat will cause expansion and your solution will start to bubble out of the spout. You can put the top on the use the solution but then be sure to remove it again until the solution is room temperature. 

Simple cloth wipes solution - method 2 #clothdiapers

And that’s all there is to it! A very simple and inexpensive wipes solution that you can use for cloth diapers or a more eco-friendly wipe for hands and faces. 

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