Thirsties All-in-One (AIO) Cloth Diaper Review

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I received a complimentary product in exchange for my honest review. 

Jack Be Natural is an online cloth diaper retailer from Charlotte, NC who now has a brick and mortar location. They do not carry their full line in the brick and mortar location just yet but they do carry their more popular items.

Jack Be Natural has a wonderful selection of cloth diapers and accessories as well as baby carriers, organic baby food items, toys and other goodies. I am pleased that they were gracious enough to send me the Thirsties AIO (all-in-one) diaper to review. I have been dying to try this diaper for quite some time.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

The Thirsties Duo AIO is a two size diapering system that will give a better overall fit. The Size 1 will fit babies from 6-18 pounds (most one size diapers don’t truly start to fit until your baby is 8-10 pounds) and the Size 2 fits babies 18-40 pounds (most one size diapers only fit to about 35 pounds)

I was sent the Storm Cloud diaper, which is a very pretty light blue and is surprisingly a color that I didn’t already have in my stash. The diaper came to me in this adorable sack along with a sample of Crunchy Clean detergent. I absolutely love a retailer that adds these personal touches.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

I was surprised to see how different the shape of the Thirsties AIO is from the Thirsties Duo diaper. The fabric used for the AIO is a softer, more cushy fabric as well, both inside and out.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

As much as I like my Thirsties Duo diaper, I was glad to see that the AIO doesn’t have elastic in the front. For some reason the front elastics make it a little harder for me to get a good fit on K. I know that a lot of popular diapers have this feature and I have (and love) a few of them as well, but I just prefer a straight front on my diapers.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

The inside is very thick and soft. There is a microfiber layer sewn in to a sleeve type opening. For us this has been a very absorbent diaper with no leaks but I know that some of you out there have very heavy wetters. If you find that you need more absorbency it would be very easy to add an extra insert or even a prefold into the sleeve.

One thing I noticed is that this diaper looks small compared to the Duo diaper and the inside looks a little bunchy, but the leg elastics have a very nice stretch to them which gives the diaper a great fit. The inside smooths out when you put it on.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

Very nice, trim fit around the bum.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

Nice fit in the front as well

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

The Thirsties AIO does not have the dual gussets that the Duo diaper has but the elastic is very snug without being tight. This diaper never left even so much as a faint red mark behind.

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

K-Dub is 19½ months and about 25½ pounds and wears the Size 2 on the middle rise setting and the first waist setting

Thirsties AIO review #clothdiapers

  • No elastic on the front panel
  • Two size system for a better fit
  • Great leg elastics
  • Very absorbent
  • Trim fitting and fits well under pants and shorts
  • Great quality for an affordable price

Overall I really like this diaper! It fits great, is easy to use, we haven’t had any leaks and it’s a high quality diaper. I also love that Thirsties hires local WAHMs to make their diapers here in the US. My only complaint about this diaper is that with the sewn in microfiber, it takes a long time to dry! All of my other AIOs are a tongue style so I could just be spoiled but this diaper needs to go in the dryer for an extra 20 minutes or so after everything else is dry. 

While you’re shopping for a Thirsties AIO at Jack Be Natural be sure to check out all of the other items that you could pick up as well. Did I mention that Jack Be Natural has free shipping? Not only that but they also give back! They donate to charity on a quarterly basis so shop away and support this great store! 

Buy It

You can buy a Thirsties AIO diaper from Jack Be Natural for $15.75

product sample2



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  1. The no elastic in the front panel is very interesting to me, and is making me really look at other diapers I am considering a bit differently!

  2. would love to try these again.. first time i got leak around the legs.

  3. I love the Boba 3G Classic Baby Carrier – Tweet at Jack Be Natural. I really like the trim fit, leg elastics and of course that cute little bag my diapers come in from JBN.
    Gladys P

  4. I have only tried Thirsties covers (and LOVE them), so I would love to try one of their diapers. I love Jack Be Natural’s amber necklaces.

  5. I love that they have the CJ’s products. The BUTTer items have made a huge difference for us in the process of switching from disposable to cloth!

  6. I would also love to try a BumGenius Freetime – in Albert – from them.

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