Baby Bjorn Potty Chair Review

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I received a complimentary item in exchange for my honest review.

potty time2

Baby Bjorn was gracious enough to send me one of their potty chairs to review during our attempts at getting our newly-turned-three-year-old to start using the potty. Those attempts have failed as of now (though we’re still plugging along) but he does love using the potty as a stool, a container for Matchbox cars. and even a hat.

Baby Bjorn Potty Chair #review #pottytraining

About the Baby Bjorn Potty Chair:

The Baby Bjorn potty chair comes in a lot of great colors that will accent any home. That seems like a strange thing to say about a potty chair but if you can match your bathroom decor, why not? I chose the grey which is a really nice, sleek color.

All of the edges are rounded to be comfortable, the bottom is rubberized so it won’t slip, and the bowl is a good size and easy to remove without splashing.

The front piece is also nice and high to eliminate aim issues for little boys.

Baby Bjorn Potty Chair #review #pottytrainingIts ergonomic styling makes this seat comfortable to sit in (with or without the bowl, apparently) and it’s the perfect size for toddlers.

Baby Bjorn Potty Chair #review #pottytrainingOur Experience:

Well, truth be told, K-Dub hasn’t peed in this potty at all yet -sigh- but he does love to sit on it which is a plus. We’re moving in the right direction though. Last week he said he had to use the potty, ran to the bathroom, sat down and peed. He was still wearing his diaper, but he’s getting the connection with it which is good. Right?

This potty is very well made, the rubber grips on the bottom allow for a sturdy place to sit for toddlers who are still learning to sit on a toilet, and the bowl is very easy to remove to allow for less spilling accidents. Most of all I love that it doesn’t talk, play music, have an iPad attachment, or have a bunch of pieces. I can’t wait to really put this potty to use!

Almost, but not quite…

Baby Bjorn Potty Chair #review #pottytraining

 Buy It

You can buy a Baby Bjorn Potty Chair at your favorite online retailer for about $29.99. They also have the backless Smart Potty and the Toilet Trainer toilet ring to choose from.


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  1. Like you I like that this is a no frills potty. I think that lights and music would just distract from the process of potty training, so the fact that this is just a simple, sturdy potty chair is great.

  2. I like how high the back is on it. Makes for the longer times spent on it a bit more comfortable for them.

  3. I love that this potty is simple and comfy to use. I am having a baby boy in March. This would be perfect. at gmail dot com

  4. I like the simplicity and lightness of the product. There are no sounds, no special characters and it’s not a three, four or five piece potty trainer. It’s lightweight, so it can be taken on trips. I can easily remove the pee container and empty the pee or poop, and I also like the assorted colors.

  5. I really like the simplicity of this potty. no frills and music. utilitarian. just like what ive been looking for! we’re just about ready to potty train our oldest and i think this is our best option!

  6. We’re going to start potty training our 2 year old right after Christmas. She is our first baby, so I have no idea what to expect! I’ve loved all of the Baby Bjorn products we’ve used so far and I really like the high back on this potty chair. She’s going to spend a lot of time on it, might as well be comfy, right?

  7. We are about to start potty training our 3 year old. He got a seat last christmas and has sat on it many times but has never peed not once!

  8. It was so nice to read about another mother working on the same issues. I loved seeing your little one sitting in the potty. My sons potty has no back and I always thought that looked so uncomfortable. Even if I do not win this potty I really think this is the potty for my little girl to learn with. Thank you for all the photos that helps in my decision.

  9. the pictures are so so cute!! my little niece is starting the potty training process now and I’d love to win this for her. I have passed on the information of your wonderful review to my sister!!

  10. Haha! That first picture is priceless. Sounds and looks like a great little potty seat. The time is soon coming when my daughter will need a potty training seat.

  11. Just had a little baby boy and we want to try and start potty training a lot earlier than we did with our previous three boys… We’ve always wanted to try a Baby Bjorn potty, but never got a chance. I do believe it is time.

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